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Starry Night

StarryNight Logo REBUY-01_edited.png

The brand I will be doing is called Starry Night for my Rebuy module for the module allow us to create our very own personal brand and planning how many items and quantity we would want to bring in for the shop to start with a year planning how much we will be earning and how much we will be spending.

Retail Merchandise Project

Wild Dreams Logo.png

This module Retail Merchandise Project have help me to learn and have a better understanding of the Profit & Loss of doing a business it's not easy due to the location you pick and what you are selling is very important to attract the targt audience nearby.

Starry Night

StarryNight Logo.jpg

For this module Online Retail I have learned to have a better understanding of the assignment as it allow us to do a deeper research such as sourcing the material and how to calculate.

Retail Design

Under Retail Design I have a better understanding of using photoshop and adobe illustrator to edit the poster.

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